Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) started the Alaska Commercial Energy Audit Program in January 2011. During the application period for 2011, AEA received 137 applications and was able to fund 132 of these applicants.
From the program guidelines: "Alaska has strong programs in residential and public building sectors, has a small pilot industrial program, but is currently lacking any commercial energy efficiency programs. Two of the primary obstacles to businesses taking action are 1) access to high quality information about energy efficiency opportunities specific to each building, and 2) access to capital to implement recommended changes."
Eligibility Requirements
Owners (individuals, corporations, partnerships, LLCs , etc.) of commercial buildings in Alaska up to 125,000 square feet in size that are privately owned, including those owned by non-profit organization.
How to Apply
The regular application deadline was February 15, 2011. To learn more about the program, go here.