The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program was first funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of 2009 to increase energy efficiency and conservation in the U.S. The program is intended to reduce fossil fuel emissions; reduce the total energy use of the eligible entities; improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building and other appropriate sectors; and create and retain jobs. Funding for the EECBG program under the Recovery Act totals $3.2 billion.
To learn more about the EECBG Program, visit the website.
Funds can be used for the following purposes:
- Development of an energy efficiency and conservation strategy
- Building energy audits and retrofits, including weatherization
- Financial incentive programs for energy efficiency such as energy savings performance contracting, on-bill financing, and revolving loan funds
- Transportation programs to conserve energy and support renewable fuel infrastructure
- Building code development, implementation, and inspections
- Installation of distributed energy technologies including combined heat and power and district heating and cooling systems
- Material conservation programs including source reduction, recycling, and recycled content procurement programs
- Reduction and capture of greenhouse gas emissions generated by landfills or similar waste-related sources
- Installation of energy efficient traffic signals and street lighting
- Installation of renewable energy technologies on government buildings
- Any other appropriate activity that meets the purposes of the program and is approved by DOE
Alaska Energy Authority distributed $5,180,490 of these funds to eligible cities and boroughs in the first half of 2010 for public buildings and facilities. To learn more about AEA's distribution of the EECBG funds, go here.